Friday, March 1, 2013

Bryden is 13 month's old

My sweet sweet boy is 13 months today! Wow time has gone by so so fast. The month of February has been full of all sorts of new fun things for Bryden. He got his first hair cut, first birthday party and first airplane ride. We had a blast at his birthday party. I went all out for it. He had a dinosaur party at the park by our house. So many people came and he got a lot of fun presents. We love our cute boy Bryden. He brings us so much joy. He loves singing his favorite song he made up DA DA dadada and dancing. Haha he sings it with the same rhythm every time and dances to it. It soo cute!! He is so smart and loves to read books. Bryden has a sweet gentle spirit. He is so easy going and is a lot of fun to be around. He is a pretty content little guy. He loves playing with his toys and the dogs. Our little boy started walking when he was 10 month's! He is a pro now walking around every where in his cute little shoes. Bryden loves the show Yo Gaba Gaba. He is very musical, he loves music. We love going to the park and snuggling on the couch. Life is beautiful with Bryden in it. Bryden is going to be a BIG brother!! I am due June 3rd :D wow it is coming up so so soon. Soo excited!! Bryden is going to have a little brother. I look forward to having 2 little boys close in age :) its going to be so much fun. I thank heavenly Father for my most precious gifts. I am truly blessed and love my life. I am also thankful for my sweet amazing husband. He is the love of my life. He makes me so happy and takes good care of our family. Adam is a hard working man. He knows how to do a job right and I can always count on him. Well that's the up date for recent milestones. :D

Friday, January 4, 2013

Bryden 11 months old

<p dir=ltr>Wow I can't believe my baby is getting so big. Bryden had his first Christmas and it was so much fun watching him open his presents. He had lots of loved ones around who gave him fun stuff. Bryden started walking!!! He is such a pleasure to have in my life. Every day is a fun new adventure with him. Little buddy has such a sweet spirit and beautiful smile. He is pretty happy all the time. I am now 18 weeks pregnant with our new sweet baby. We are so excited!! Bryden is going to have a little brother and they are going to be the best of friends. I'm so excited to add to our family. Our new sweet baby boy is due June 4th yay!!! I'm so thankful for the beautiful blessing we have received in our lives. I am forever grateful. Heavenly father really loves us so much :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Bryden 8 months old

Wow Bryden is so smart!! I have this alphabet show I put on for him every day and usually he will mumble nonsense or say the sounds eee or iii but today he said the word and sound A aaaa then B bbbb. Smart cookie :) I can't believe how big my baby is getting! He can stand up by himself he pulls himself up on everything. Bryden has two baby bottom teeth (his first one came in at 6-7 months) He loves scrunching up his nose and breathing fast in and out its soo funny and cute. He loves to try to scare you by jumping his body up and making a sound that sounds like a funny baby growl. Baby Bryden is a happy baby. Very calm demeanor but gets silly too. He's such an easy baby. Bryden has been sleeping through the night since he was a wee little thing. Adam and I are truly blessed to have his sweet beautiful spirit apart of our family. He brings us such joy. Hes been saying dada, mama and daww (dog) for a while now.sweet baby boy loves to suck his thumb when hes tired, hurt himself or if he is hungry. We tried the binki many many times but he never took to it. He loves that thumb. Some nick names Bryden has are: Bry Bry, Binki, Binkials, little Buddy and Monkey. Jumping up and down is something Bryden loves to do. Bath time is Bryden's favorite. He loves being naked. We have been having so much fun with our perfect angel. I cant believe he is going to be 1 soon ahhh!!